Western Art Prints Collection

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Giorgio Ghisi (1520 - 1582), printmaker
After Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475 - 1564), designer
Nicolas van Aelst (c.1558 - 1613), publisher
Giovanni Giacomo de' Rossi (1627 - 1691), publisher

Giorgio Ghisi (1520 - 1582), printmaker
After Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475 - 1564), designer
Nicolas van Aelst (c.1558 - 1613), publisher
Giovanni Giacomo de' Rossi (1627 - 1691), publisher

Giorgio Ghisi (1520 - 1582), printmaker
After Teodoro Ghisi (1536 - 1601), designer
Nicolas van Aelst (c. 1558 - 1613), printer

Giovanni Battista Palumba (Master IB with a bird) (active1500 - 1520), printmaker
Formerly attributed to Nicoletto da Modena (active 1500 - 1520), printmaker

Marcantonio Raimondi (c. 1470/1482 - c. 1527/1534), printmaker
After Raphael (1483 - 1520), designer
Nicolas van Aelst(c. 1558 - 1613), publisher